A Day in the Life – January 2, 2023

Jan 2, 2023 | Uncategorized, Writing | 0 comments

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Lethargy has set in today. I have a thousand things to do and don’t feel like doing any of them. In some ways, I’m still recovering from our trip to Michigan, which ended last Wednesday night–very late last Wednesday, I might add. We had to drive back the long way in order to avoid going through snow-inundated Buffalo. The drive was 658 miles instead of 540, had we gone through Canada, straight to Niagara Falls, then Buffalo, then straight across New York State, back to Schenectady.

While we were in Michigan, we were trying to keep up with three energetic grandsons, who were keyed up not only by our presence but also by Santa and Christmas. It was bitter cold while we were there, and our elderly dog fought going outside in that weather. I won’t even get into the details of the fall I took in the snow when I was trying to convince him to go outside, while I had him wrapped in a sweatshirt.

We came home to piles of mail, laundry to do, giveaway items to sort, dust bunnies to attack, but…They will all still be here tomorrow. I’m sitting on my recliner, feet up, knowing the piles will be there tomorrow. Maybe I’ll even nod off and take a nap.

Oh, and P.S.: I had a dream on Friday night that gave me an idea for a new story. But that’s for tomorrow!


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