A Day in My Life, March 28, 2024 — Even a Gray Day

Mar 28, 2024 | Baseball, Day in the Life, Friends, Memoirs, Uncategorized | 9 comments

It’s a gray, overcast day here. I started out the morning by playing doubles tennis for an hour and a half, then heading out to see my old friend, the dermatologist (I swear, I’ve been putting her daughter through medical school with my white Irish skin). I sent out a few greeting cards to people–a belated birthday card to my cousin Helen, a get well card to one of my tennis friends (she had a heart attack a couple of weeks ago), and another one, a general cheer-you-up one to my cousin Linda, who’s fighting a rare cancer.

Next week I hope to start recording the audiobook for A Few Bumps. I met a man at the last folk music conference I attended. He has a full-blown, professional recording studio at his house. I asked him if I could engage his studio and record the book. He told me that it would be his pleasure, but the only thing I will have to do for payment is to make a donation to his local food pantry. That’s really something I would be pleased to do. I hope it works out. It’s a lot of work!

We have grandchildren and our own children coming here for Easter weekend. Our daughter from Michigan has been sending lots of Easter treats to our house so that she doesn’t have to transport those when she drives here. Once again, I think she has gone way overboard for her children to celebrate what should be a religious occasion. Hey, a few chocolate bunnies and eggs is about all I think they need. (Reese’s peanut butter eggs are all I think I need, but I digress…)

Our seventh grandchild is due on May 19th; our daughter will be having a C-section at the University of Michigan Medical Center on May 17th. Guess we’ll be heading out there on either the 14th or 15th.

I will be playing tennis again tonight at 7 pm. Yes, I am a glutton for punishment. Or else, I really like hanging out with my friends.

Baseball season starts tonight. My Red Sox are playing the Seattle Mariners at 10:10 pm ET. Yes, I will stay up to watch it. I have nowhere to go tomorrow early in the morning. I don’t have much hope for a great season for this team. I hope they surprise me.

Hall of Fame Red Sox pitcher Pedro Martinez and me, several years ago (I have lost about 30 pounds since then)


  1. Pat Garcia

    Hello, Wanda,
    It is so nice that your grandkids will celebrate Easter with you. I love Reese’s peanut butter cups. They have them here, but they are expensive. I still buy them, though.
    Good luck with your audiobook.
    Take care, and have a lovely Good Friday.
    Shalom shalom

    • Wanda Fischer

      Thank you, Pat. The hoards have begun to arrive. The group from New Hampshire is already settling in, and the Michigan contingent is expected within the next hour. I’m sitting with my feet up to gather all the energy I can between now and when they descend upon our house. It’s always chaos, but we still have fun.

      Hope you have a wonderful Easter.

  2. Patty Perrin

    Hi, Wanda!

    I love that you send cards to people. I do, too, and many of the recipients tell me they appreciate them. Fact is, I appreciate their friendship and enjoy sending encouragement and, when known, birthday cards.

    My husband was recently hired as a tennis coach by a local sports complex. At 78! They were impressed by his extensive experience and knowledge. He’s been working there just over six months, and they love him. At first, they asked him to train one team. When the other teams saw what he does, every team opted to train with him. This year, the teams had more wins than at any other time. Now his time is filled with private lessons. There is something to be said for years of experience and a love for the sport.

    Blessings, and Happy Easter!

    • Wanda Fischer

      Hi Patty–I wish I could have your husband’s wisdom to coach my 55-and-over team! We have several new members this year. It’s going to be fun! I’d take private lessons, too. He’d be able to teach this 75-year-old with artificial knees a few things, I’d guarantee!

      Happy Easter.

  3. john

    I could never get the hang of tennis. I was good at ping pong and my bestie and I would play until the wee hours of the night. I figured tennis was similar and bought a racket and sleeve of balls. Within an hour, we’d both lost all our balls over the fence and into the streets. I sold the racket at a garage sale.

    It’s good your husband has something to keep him busy and happy…kind of like us members in RRBC. I hope all goes well with the birth and during your family’s travels. Feel free to send all unused chocolate to me after the kids leave.

    • Wanda Fischer

      Hi John–We’ll split the leftover chocolate. Deal?

  4. Karen Black

    How nice to have a house full of children and grandchildren for Easter weekend, Wanda. You must be thrilled about expecting a new grandchild, too. Enjoy the peanut butter eggs!

    I’m eager to hear how the audiobook turns out.

    Go Red Sox!

  5. Shirley Harris-Slaughter

    My son and his family will not be celebrating Easter with us this year. But that’s ok because our diets have changed so drastically. If they were to come, I would serve what they want with maybe just a few modifications.

    Wanda, I was reinstating a former member (Roseline Onwenu) into our Catholic organization and she casually mentioned that her son plays for the New England Patriots. His name is Mike Onwenu, #71. I looked it up and there he is. She said he’s been with them about 4 years. We had the pandemic and a whole lot that has happened in those 4 years. Reading your blog brought this conversation back to me.

    Thanks for sharing your amazing life Wanda.

  6. Mrs Joy Gerken

    Glad all the grandchildren will be with you over Easter. Loved the audio.I take it you were singing on that piece.
    Talking of which, I would be happy to act an audio book for you for next to nothing, as you are my friend.You may know I am a voice over artist, with a great deal of experience under my belt.
    That is if you want a Brirtish,Female voice.


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