Last week, I told everyone that I was supposed to be singing tonight at an induction ceremony for the Thomas Edison Music Hall of Fame recipients, class of 2024, sponsored by Proctors Theatre in Schenectady. Two of my friends, Margie Rosenkranz and the late Jackie Alper, were being inducted tonight at a ceremony that took place at Universal Preservation Hall in Saratoga Springs, New York.
I am not a very good guitar player any more; I just don’t play enough these days. As a result, I had engaged the services of two local professionals to help me through this song. We had been practicing, and things were going swimmingly.
This morning I got a text that went like this: “Bad news, Wanda. Tom’s wife was just diagnosed with stage four lung cancer, so he can’t come tonight.” What a terrible thing for Tom and his wife to deal with! (Okay, so that means I’m down to one guitar player.)
Oh, no…The text continued: “Unfortunately, I can’t come, either. I’m sick with a really bad flu, and my wife is, too. She’s sicker than I am. I’m so sorry this won’t work out.”
Panic time? You bet.
I have been practicing this song, which is an old one that originated during the Great Depression (“Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?) for a couple of weeks with these guys and for a few weeks more by myself. I sing it around the house, a cappella (no musical accompaniment).
That’s the solution! I’ll sing it a cappella!
Then I remembered that another guitar player I know was planning to attend the ceremony. He lives an hour-and-a-half away from me. I called and asked him if he knew the song. He did. He said he would bring his guitar, we’d practice for a few minutes, and we’d get it done–only he couldn’t make it for a 2 pm soundcheck.
I called the guy in charge of soundcheck and asked if he could move us to later in the afternoon. No problem, he said.
Whew. Problem averted.
It turns out that “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime” is one of my friend Graham’s favorite songs. Had I known that earlier, I would have just asked him and not the two guys who texted me this morning.
One problem solved. We did the song, it came off fine, and now I will be able to sleep tonight!

From the 2023 awards: from left, Margie Rosenkranz, Wanda, and Ed Guider, Margie’s husband (Margie was inducted tonight–I don’t have any photos yet of her induction; stay tuned)
Oh, ‘Wanda, my dear,
I thought about you yesterday. I knew you would sing and am so glad it was beautiful. Congratulations! You had a test of what-ifs, but you didn’t give up. That is perseverance to see things through until the end.
Proud of you, Lady.
Shalom shalom
Thanks so much, Pat. This is such a wonderful group here. Can’t imagine how I got along without you all.
Wanda – whew, glad your crisis was averted! I wish I could have heard you sing, with or without the guitar accompaniment. You are a problem solver for sure. Thanks for the post and good luck hanging in there for the 30 days.
Hi Maura Beth–I made a CD years ago. It’s still available. I will send one to anyone who wants one without charge. I’m in the writing phase of my life now. We sing at baptisms, weddings, bar mitzvahs, etc., though.
Congratulations Wanda. I wasn’t unaware that you entertained with voice and guitar. I’m sure you told us. You are a woman of many talents.
It’s eveing here but have a great day!
Hi Shirley–Yes, I began singing when I was four years old. My guitar-playing is pretty rusty these days, so I always find someone else to accompany me. My husband used to do it, but he has a tremor now and can’t play anymore. Maybe next time I won’t even plan ahead! LOL
Wanda, that’s awesome, and part of God’s miracle that things always turn out for the best. I know you all had a wonderful time. Thank you for sharing.
It was fun, Karl. I will say that I was nervous when those guys backed out, but it worked out after all.
Hi, Wanda!
What an adventure! It could be the plot of a great story. Talk about everything going wrong. And then you found the perfect solution, and you and your guitarist triumphed! Way to go! Congratulations on your prestigious award in 2023, and congratulations to Margaret for her induction tonight! I would love to hear you sing that song.
Praying for Tom and his wife, and for the other guitarist and his wife.
Hi Patty==We did have a good time. I called Margie this afternoon and asked her if she’s recovered yet. She said no. Her son came up from Louisiana, another longtime friend from Washington, DC, and so many others from all over. Her contingent filled five tables! It’ll be a while before we get over last night! And the food was good, too…
Wanda, no need to fret. Your song a cappella would have brought cheers from the crowd. Glad it all worked out! I was thinking about you last night.
All’s well that ends well and it sounds like everything did, Wanda. Any chance you have a link to your performance? Or that you do an a cappella version for us?
Well done Wanda, so glad you managed to sing. I love singing I used to sing in hospital shows, long ago.