A Day in My Life – Radio Edition (January 7, 2023)

Jan 7, 2023 | Day in the Life | 10 comments

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I slept late today, as I often do, prior to going to WAMC to do my weekly radio show. I finish my on-air duties at 10 pm ET, but I have lots to do before I can head home. I don’t normally leave until somewhere around midnight. (My show airs from 8-10 pm ET. You can listen online at , or if you want to listen sometime else during the week, at . If you go the MixCloud route, you have to search for my name or WAMC to find the show.)

I had a million things to do prior to heading out for the station, not the least of which was to make cookies for a party I’m going to tomorrow. Normally my friends have their annual party on New Year’s Day but they were with one of their children and his family in New Orleans last week. I wish I could have thought of something more nutritious to bring to the party, but my famous oatmeal chocolate chip cookies are easy and won’t be all gone by the time I get home from the station.

Tomorrow morning I have to sing at church with the folk group, then run up to Saratoga Springs and play in a tennis match because my USTA team was short one person (two people on the team have Covid), then run to the party. There will be people at the party with guitars and song books. We will be singing the rafters off my friend’s house.

I don’t know what I will be playing on tonight’s show. In fact, I admit that I rarely know until I set foot into the station. I do my show on the fly because I take listener requests. Last week I did a show that included a memorial segment to one of my favorite Canadian folk singers, Ian Tyson. Someone called and asked for an Ian Tyson song called “Barney.” It’s a very sad one about an abused horse Ian brought to his ranch and had to put down because the horse was way too sick to save. I didn’t have that song last week but did find it and will play it tonight. Get out the Kleenex; it’s a tear-jerker. I will have to come up with songs to balance off that one.

Almost time to leave home for the radio station. Some people say radio is dying, but you couldn’t prove it by me or by the number of phone calls and emails I get every week. My show is in its 41st year on this station, and I did four years at another station prior to this. I think radio’s doing just fine.


  1. Patty Perrin

    Hi, Wanda! We listen to radio when we’re in the car – usually a local Christian station. Our daughter has won many prizes, like Dollywood tickets, from her radio station. I’m with you. Radio is alive and kicking! It sounds like you have a busy day ahead, with church, tennis, and a party. I’d love to try one of your famous cookies. Have fun!


  2. Yvette M Calleiro

    How wonderful that you get to do something you enjoy every day, Wanda! I know how much joy that can bring into your life. I also made cookies today, but they were peanut butter cookies. Have fun at your party tomorrow!

    Yvette M Calleiro 🙂

  3. Pat Garcia

    Hi, Wanda,
    That radio is still in in the USA is good news to hear. I too enjoy listening to music on the radio. I know a lot of people here have gone to Spotify and iTunes but I haven’t done that yet. For me, I’m staying with the radio just because I like it. I sometimes think we get rid of the ‘old’ too fast.

    You have your weekend plan to the max. Don’t forget to be careful with all those things going through your mind and good luck with your tennis match. I hope you win.

    Shalom aleichem

  4. Lisa Kirazian

    Wanda, I’m so inspired by you doing a radio show — as a writer, as a woman, as a sports fan, lol! Although my father spent several years in radio in the 1960s in San Diego, and I’ve made a few appearances, I never thought about radio for myself, but you’ve inspired me. And I look forward to listening!

    P.S. Sorry about Xander…

    • Wanda Fischer

      Hi Lisa–You will love Xander. He speaks five languages and is a true gentleman. I have met him twice, and he’s the real deal. I cannot believe the Red Sox let him go. But–he will treat you and the San Diego fans well. He’s from Aruba. Not too many baseball players from Aruba. Don Orsillo, who’s the TV broadcaster, is also from the Boston area. Sigh. I will miss Xander so much. Homegrown talent! If I were queen of baseball, he’d still be in Boston.

  5. Maura Beth Brennan

    My goodness, Wanda, what a busy and accomplished lady you are! I listen to radio all the time in the car, but admit I usually listen to a music station. I love classical music! I will try yours one of these days. Enjoy your party and relax!!

    • Wanda Fischer

      Thanks so much, Maura Beth. We only do a “music block” on my station on Saturday nights. It’s a lot of news during the day. In the evenings we have specialty music shows, but on Saturday nights, it’s all locally produced music shows. Mine’s the oldest one. I started on September 18, 1982. It’s been a long ride!

  6. Donna Atwood Manobianco

    Wanda, I think it is sooooo cool that you’re on the radio. I listen to the radio a lot, I don’t know what people are talking about saying that radio is dying. Maybe it goes back to that song decades ago, “Video Killed the Radio Star”. I honestly don’t know. What I do know is that I could go for one of your cookies right about now. Yum!

    Take care,
    Donna M Atwood
    D M Atwood

  7. pdoggbiker

    Wanda, congrats on your radio show. I do agree that radio is here to stay. With Sirus and other platforms, there is a format for everyone. I enjoy 80’s music and have my radio tuned to that station. To survive all these years you have to have a strong persona and a faithful following. Here’s to your continued success!

  8. Susanne Leist

    I would be a mess if I broadcasted live each day. The day I was interviewed on a local TV station, I didn’t sleep the night before, even with Ambien. My interview was taped, but I froze when I saw a man walk behind my seated interviewer. I had assumed it was me and the interview, but then she explained there was a filming crew. For the rest of the interview, I resembled a deer in headlights. I stored my interview on Youtube after watching it once, and I never looked at it again.


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